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Contact Us
Department of Economics
Center for Economic Education
Katrina Babb
Phone: (812) 237-2159
Office Hours: M-F 8:00 AM-4:30 PM
Mission Statement:
In order to promote economic literacy in West-Central Indiana a formal, academic and administrative unit has been established at Indiana State University to work directly with teachers and students from all grade levels and academic fields, to serve as a clearinghouse of available economic education materials for pre-service and in-service teachers and interested members of the community, to sponsor and conduct educational programs for teachers, clerics, business and labor organizations, journalists, public officials and interested members of the general public, to engage in research and materials development in the field of economic education, and to assume the leadership responsibility for developing comprehensive economic education programs in West-Central Indiana. All programs sponsored by this unit will strive to be balanced, objective, and academically sound.